Cher wasn’t happy with Vegas Shows because Her audience was old and sickly. Seems that for some reason the majority of the ticket buyers were elderly Citizens. Why the audience was much older than other audiences for other shows in the same venue is unknown but one might guess it had something to do with lack of talent.
While Elton John was enjoying high energy crowds at the same venue, Cher wished She could get the same audience. Maybe the fact that Elton John never lip Synced once in His life might have something to do with it. If Anyone could take the top prize for most lip syncing in a career, it would have to be Cher. Audiences will not put up with Auto tuners and lip syncing anymore, there are too many choices in shows, especially in Vegas.
Take note Britney Spears, keep Your promise not to lip sync or You may end up complaining about your lame audiences.
Even the Legends in Concert Show doesn’t lip sync when they impersonate Cher. Its pretty lame when You have to see a Cher impersonator to avoid lip syncing. Cher had the best venue all over Vegas, Caesar’s Colosseum and it is just disrespectful not to use Your voice when You perform there.
Cher wasn’t happy with Vegas Shows