Las Vegas Fight for the first openly Gay Boxing Champion

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Las Vegas Fight for the first openly Gay Boxing Champion will come true if Orlando Cruz can come out victorious, Saturday, October 12, 2013. He must beat Orlando Salido, a Mexican fighter. What are the chances that two Orlando’s would fight for a title?
gay orlando cruz in vegas

HBO boxing commentator Jim Lampley called Cruz “a hero of mine” during an interview with while speaking about Griffiith. Lampley’s support for Cruz surfaced in the wake of the boxer’s having announced his engagement to his partner, Jose Manuel.
Lampley revealed that his older half-brother, Fred Trickey, “came out of the closet at the age of 14 in 1959.” Trickey, whom Lampley called “one of the bravest people I’ve ever met” died four years ago from an HIV-related illness at age 65.

The Puerto Rican professional boxer started His boxing career in the year 2000 and is only 5’4″ and 127 lbs.