It was a ridiculous name that was as stupid as the United Negro College fund or many more outdated terms used for different groups of People, I didn’t use the word minority because how can anyone really be sure that gay People are a minority, many lie about it all the way to the grave.
QVegas Business Alliance was a stupid name that was not well thought out or it was made so long ago and there was no movement to change it, which in itself is a shock. But even today there is a well up to date website that is called We know the Q doesn’t mean quality, it is a gay website and the Q definitely means queer, a word that 90 percent of Gay and Lesbians find offensive. But even in modern times, why is there still the term lesbian used? Isn’t that also offensive? Isn’t a gay female a lesbian? Could We just say gay? A man can be gay and so can a woman so why two terms? Just a thought.
Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce of Nevada is the new name of QVegas Business Alliance